Power Presence OF God Ministries

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Holy Spirit Weekend
Holy Spirit Weekend

  Join us for a weekend filled with spiritual enrichment and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Engage in uplifting sessions, worship, and fellowship. We look forward to your presence at this transformative event! Details: – Date: 8. – 10. November 2024 – Address: Konferenční centrum Immanuel. Dlouhý 1, Slavíkov Price: Price for accommodation and full board: 1600 CZK (non-refundable) Register Online: https://forms.gle/aB1vq7k6meH6GYow6 For Inquiries: +420 732 237 720

Join us for a weekend filled with spiritual enrichment and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Engage in uplifting sessions, worship, and fellowship. We look forward to your presence at this transformative event!


– Date: 8. – 10. November
– Address: Konferenční centrum Immanuel. Dlouhý 1, Slavíkov

Price: Price for accommodation and full board: 1600 CZK (non-refundable)

Register Online: https://forms.gle/aB1vq7k6meH6GYow6
For Inquiries: +420 732 237 720

About Us

PPG Ministries is the embodiment of individual services that are combined into one body, the church. We are inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit to work in various gifts and callings for the growth and development of God's kingdom. We are located in Prague, Czech Republic and Enugu, Nigeria. The core of our activities is evangelization according to the Great Commission: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15. Every month we organize evangelistic events, we travel around the Czech Republic and preach the gospel, and we organize an evangelistic conference every year.

Weekly Activities

Morning Prayers

During the workweek, we gather over the phone for fellowship to start each day together in prayer. Whether you're getting ready for work, on the bus, or just waking up, we commence at 7:30 AM. It's completely free – join us and surrender your day to God for a successful conclusion!

Exploring the Scriptures together

Every Tuesday, we gather to study a specific book in the Bible, delving into the Scripture chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Since understanding is the key to unlocking the power of God, we allocate time for questions and contributions for mutual benefit. Join us to deepen your understanding of God's Word, accelerate your spiritual growth, and foster a closer fellowship with God.

Community Outreach

Our hearts beat for the lost in society: the broken-hearted, the depressed and anxious, the lonely, the afflicted, the homeless... everyone needs Jesus! Therefore, every Tuesday and Thursday, we go out to preach to both the marginalized and the accepted by society. Tracts are ready, starting at 14:30 at Prague Main Station—just come and experience the transformative power of God live!

Night Prayers

Close your day with thanksgiving. Pray for your family, loved ones, the hurting, our nation, the church, Israel, and many other areas. Pray out every depression, sickness, disease, and downfall from your life. Because as you pray in the night, the battles of the following day are being fought, and by the time you conclude your prayer, you will be ready for the following day. We pray every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8-9 PM over Zoom. Join us and experience the power of prayer in your own life.

Saturday Service

Hebrews 10:24-25 NKJV
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Join the brethren and be blessed!

Zoom password: 2022

Online Sunday Teaching

What's better than learning the right way of life from the Word of God? Join us online to ensure you don't miss any blessings from the Scriptures.

Online Sunday teaching. 19:00
Zoom password: 2022



Service & Bible study

Join us every Tuesday at 5:30 PM for our Bible study, where we study in depth the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter and have your questions answered during the time for discussion and Saturday at 11:00 AM for a time of fellowship with brethren at Ječná 19/545, Prague 2.

Zoom password: 2022

Plan Your Visit

Schedule a personal consultation with Pastor C. Raymond Onuh in our office at Kolbenova 912/5c, Prague 9.

Join A Group

Join our WhatsApp groups:

  • PPGM International
  • PPGM Czech Republic
Facebook groups:
  • PPGM
  • Surrogates for Christ
  • PPGM Youth Group

Church Pastor

C. Raymond Onuh

Senior Pastor PPGM Czech Republic

When I was about 9 years old. I used to preach in the streets around our neighbourhood. I held several children's crusades in those days standing on a makeshift stage and spoke with cardboard formed microphone. During one of our family prayers, a woman of God prophesied that I would be a great man of God in my adult years. Fast forward to 2018. After wondering in the world for many years, I started seeking out God from Bible pages. On July 23rd, as I prayed in my kitchen, the power of God knocked me out for about 2 hours. After that experience my life made a 180 degrees turn to date. Following my encounter, I started having nightly dreams where I preached the gospel. I proceeded to enquire from the Lord about my purpose in fasting for 4 days.

On the fourth day I heard an audible voice of God that called my name, He set me aside to serve him. To the glory of God, I answered that call with everything I've got in me and under the annointing of the Holy Spirit. Since then, God has been faithful.

Demon possessed are set free by the power of God, prostate cancer completely disappeared, Souls coming to salvation in Christ, Stray Christians reconciled and restored, All manner of diseases healed, Prophesies fulfilled, Great testimonies abound. All to the glory of Almighty God in Jesus name.
If you truly seek the Lord, he will find you.
James 4:8
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
Do not doubt, just come as you are!
God bless you

Church workers

Noemi Navrátilová Onuh

Evangelist, asistent of Pastor

Sandra Nyindong

Evangelist, prophetic ministration


- Noemi

All my life I have searching for greater spiritual experience with God. I even joined esoteric group and also did some rituals with witches until God delivered through Pastor Raymond. Since I joined PPGM the Lord has revealed himself to me in mighty ways. I have led many souls to Christ. I pray and see results. My studies has been a success thus far and everything I touch propers. I am leading a life of testimonies on daily bases. Come Join us and see what will do for you in your situation. What a mighty God we serve.

- Pavel

I was homeless sick and an atheist which was like a triple trouble. But Jitka from PPGM gave me tract that was written by pastor Raymond. She invited to fellowship which I obliged. after few times of listening to the anointed word of God and also seeing miracles in my life I decided to give my life to Christ. Today my leg would are healed I no longer need clutches to walk. I am healed and I have a home now in PPGM and a wonderful family. Thank you Jesus.

- Sofie

I had many questions as a young Christian, I have been among those who fake prophesies and speaking in tongues but I have always wanted a genuine experience. I used to be filled with a raging anger and hatred for everyone. Death metal was my music. But when a friend brought me to pastor Raymond, God used him to answer my questions and since I joined PPGM I have experienced the power presence of God in very area of my life. I have seen and received real miracles. My life is now filled with the joy of the Lord and peace. The Lord has been gracious to me. Hallelujah

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