Power Presence OF God Ministries

About Us

PPG Ministries is an embodyment of individual ministrations that comes together as one body, the church. We are inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit to work in diverse gifts and callings towards growth and development of God´s Kingdom. We are located in Prague, Czech Republic and Enugu, Nigeria. At the heart of our activities is evangelism according to the Great Comission: "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." Mark 16:15. We organize evangelism outrech every week, often traveling across the Czech Republic preaching the Gospel and we are hosting evangelism conference yearly.

We emphasise on practical Christian living and fellowship in love with one another as one body under Christ. We have a burning desire in our hearts to be instruments of revival in the Czech Republic and in the whole world, seeing people being saved, healed and delived by the power of God. That´s why we organize International Revival Conference yearly. We are engaged in counceling for parents who are facing challenges in relationship with family or relationship with their children which is why we have Christian family forum. And we also engage with young adults providing them platform to feel as part of something greater then themselves in Christ. To give them a sense of belonging to give their life a meaning. We carry each others burden, help ourselves and everyone else in need. Our mission and vision will not be complete without carrying for the poor and less priviledged among us. For this reason we have set un The Good Samaritan project catering for the spiritual and material needs of the poor, less priviledged and homless people in the Czech republic as well as those in Africa.

Statement of faith

We believe that there is only one God who is three in one: the Father, Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, He came from heaven, died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day, ascended to heaven and will return again. We accept and follow the ministry and message of Jesus Christ, including the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Our main goal is to wholeheartedly fulfil the "Great Commission" involving water baptism, at all costs and without compromise. We believe in miracles as an act of God and God's healing.

PPGM creed

I believe in God, the one true God who created everything. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and I confess that he died for me on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins and through that I am reconciled to God and my name is written in the book of life. I make Jesus Christ Lord of my life and saviour of my soul. I will follow Him and proclaim Jesus Christ to all people until I meet Him face to face. I am committed with devotion to the calling of God in PPGM, to preach the Gospel, to fellowship with the brethren, to join in common prayers, to contribute with my resources at my disposal - including time and money - to put into practice God's work for the kingdom: leading souls to Christ.

Fun time and Church trips
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