Power Presence OF God Ministries


Our mission is to spread the Gospel and the goodness of God with love wherever we go. We are serving God through people by delivering a spiritual message to people while addressing their material needs, fostering a family environment marked by acceptance and forgiveness. PPGM functions as an umbrella organization, encompassing various ministries such as Gospel outreach, hospital ministry, The Good Samaritan project for the less privileged, Bible study teaching, prayer for healing and deliverance, and family and individual counseling.

Our passionate commitment is to share the Good News with everyone, in line with the Great Commission: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" (Mark 16:15). This drives us to venture out regularly onto the streets, in the metro, and at bus stops, spreading the message of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We also travel across the Czech Republic, leading people to Christ, baptizing them, and making disciples. Additionally, we organize Evangelism conferences to empower individuals to share their faith with their loved ones, neighbors and others. Participating in and hosting Revival meetings allows us to preach to crowds outdoors.

By the grace of God, we extend a hand of hope and care with the love of Christ to the sick both during hospital and home visitations, offering a listening ear, spiritual encouragement, and fervent prayers for healing, witnessing the power of God at work. Jan was paralyzed from the chest down for several months, while he was hospitalized the doctors told him that it would take a miracle for him to sit in a wheelchair. Jan responded with a statement of faith declaring that only God can determine his fate. When a member of PPGM brought the matter to Pastor, he decided to go and pray for Jan. During the prayer, the power of God came upon him and the pastor felt a movement on his leg, from that very day Jan began to move his limbs to the amazement of doctors. From then he began a journey to his full recovery by re-learning how to sit, walk, and coordination. Today Jan has made a complete recovery, he is sitting, walking, jumping, and running. halleluja! God is good! Our God is a miracle worker!

Baptism is a very vital act of obedience and demonstration of commitment to leave the world and follow Jesus.

It signifies one’s burying of old life in the water and rising to a new life as the body of Christ, just as Christ himself was buried with our sins and rose to life in a new glorified body.

In order to be baptised, an individual must first repent and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour in earnest.

To this end we offer to baptise anyone who desires to commit their life to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, partake in His body and become His disciple. And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the [a]remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38 (NKJV) Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Recognizing those in society who require both spiritual and material support, our members extend a helping hand to those in need, delivering an encouraging message that has the power to transform lives. This project is currently transcending borders and making a positive impact in both the Czech Republic and Nigeria.

The word is the light by which we walk according to the will of God. His power is made manifest in His word. We are being sanctified by the word of God, it is the bread of life. our bible study goes deep and is very interactive. For those with unanswered questions, we dedicated time for open discussions where individuals can share their thoughts and ask questions on related topics, just after the teaching. Come and be empowered by God's word that is inspired by the Holy Spirit and grow in the knowledge of God.

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The Lord is using us to set free those who are in bondage and tormented by demonic spirits. During our healing and prayer ministration, we have seen yokes broken, people receiving healing from different kinds of diseases. People are being restored from spiritual lukewarmness.
Even as a Christian, there are times when you are under an onslaught of demonic attack, and these are the red flags. When you are not able to pray as you would like or fall asleep during prayers, when you don't read the Bible, and when you fall asleep when picking up the Bible to read. When you cannot listen to the word of God for more than 20 minutes. When you see yourself being hateful, unhappy, and constantly in distress. Anxiety and depression are more demonic than mental. There are spirits that the devil uses to steal, kill, and destroy destinies. But thank God that Jesus gave us the power to cast them out so that we may lead a victorious life. Luke 10:19 says, "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

Our youth ministry is a home for young adults to find their place in the body of Christ. We give them a voice and privilege to discover their calling, allowing young people in our church to truly experience the power in the Presence of God. Each of them is learning more about Jesus and developing intimacy with Him through His love. We organize various fun activities to strengthen bonds and create a sense of vitality. We also engage in evangelism, camping, rafting, bowling, and other outdoor and indoor activities to foster harmonious relationships. These engagements help channel the strength and energy of young people, preventing them from falling into vices, habits, or addictions, and ensuring they are not unequally yoked with unbelievers. Instead, they become a shining light, exemplifying Jesus through their lives. Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14).

Family and Individual Counseling

Addressing inquiries of all kinds and assisting those struggling with addiction or psychological problems, we provide biblical answers and spiritual insights. In instances of family or community issues, our approach is Spirit-led, relying not on our power but on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to bring about healing and reconciliation.

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